Friday, July 17, 2009

The Ultimate Test of a Fashion Connoisseur

Times are tough...and so are everyone's wallets.  But fashion doesn't have to suffer....or does it?  Since the beginning of July, I've committed myself to limiting my spending habits for one whole year.... in the vain hope that I will save money and learn some sewing techniques along the way.  So I've put certain stipulations on my spending habits......1. If I need to indulge in buying any kind of clothing, I can only buy jeans/denim, knits, and t-shirts.  2. Everything else I need/desire (i.e. dresses, woven tops, or outerwear) I need to make myself....and 3. I need to design & create at least 2 pieces a month. 

I'll post up pictures, sketches, and my ever changing thoughts about this experience's not going to be easy for me, that, I know for sure, but the benefit of the experience and the lessons learned will be priceless.  Stay tuned to find out if I can survive a whole year, or if I'll crash and burn.

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